Chin Augmentation
Our facial anatomy can be divided into 3 parts: from hairline to eye, from eye to nose, and from nose to chin. Hence our chin plays a critical role in determining our overall facial appearance. Some common cases include short chin, receding chin, or both. Chin augmentation can help correct these issues.
The most important elements of the operation are the size and position of the silicone used, and the operation cut. The size of the implant will be determined by the size and shape of the individual’s bone (Symphysis of the mandible), specifically how wide or narrow it is -- overdoing it will result in a lumpy chin.
Before the operation, the surgeon will discuss with the patient regarding the desired outcome, and this will determine the positioning of the implant. During the operation, the surgeon can either create an internal cut in the mouth or cut open the skin under the chin. Although using the internal cut approach may help prevent scarring, it makes lengthening the chin more difficult. Furthermore, it makes cleaning the wound more cumbersome. Using the approach to cut open the skin under the chin may lead to minor scarring initially, but it allows for a very flexible operation.
For individuals who had fillers, the surgeon will assess whether it is possible to remove the filler and perform the operation right away, or at a later date. For extreme cases of receding or short chins, a jaw operation may be recommended instead.
Recommended for:
Individuals wishing for more natural-looking chins.
Correcting short, receding and blunt chin.
Operation details:
Prior to the operation, the surgeon will carve the implant based on the patient’s chin shape. Then the surgeon will either create an internal cut or one under the chin, and create a pocket for the silicone. Bleeding will be stopped, the implant put in place, and the wound closed.
Post-operational treatments:
Apply some cold packs to the area during the first 3 days.
Wear chin bandage for 3 days.
For internal cut, rinse mouth daily. 4 times per day (morning-noon-afternoon-night). There is no need for suture removal as it will self-remove after 1-2 months.
For the cut under the chin, treat the wound on Day 3 and 7. Remove the suture on Day 7. Patient can wash his/her face and apply makeup.
Avoid having hot, strong-tasting, preserved food, and excessive chewing for 1 month.
The swelling will be less noticeable after 3-6 months.
Bruise will be less noticeable after 2-3 weeks.
The scar may be visible during the first 3 months, after which will be less noticeable within 1 year.
Possible side-effects:
Overly pointy chin may appear unnatural, and the implant edge may be visible in extreme cases.
There is a chance for infection if the internal cut is not cleaned properly
How long will the change last?
The change will last forever, assuming an appropriate size implant is used and that the chin does not experience any major impact.